Mon, 19 February, 2024
TWI CL has seen growth in the number of organisations seeking third-party certification partly driven by a clear increase in the need for certification in accordance with two particular standards: EN 15085 with ISO 3834.
Demonstration of compliance with the EN 15085 series of standards is increasingly becoming a pre-requisite for gaining new contracts or approved supplier status. TWI CL is a Manufacturing Certification Body (MCB) for the European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles (ECWRV). By holding certification through TWI CL’s Certification for Welding of Railway Vehicles and Components (CWRVC) scheme, manufacturers can demonstrate their competence and ability to control the quality of their welding during the production of railway vehicles and its components.
For more information, and to apply for CWRVC, head over to our dedicated webpage.
The benefits to having CWRVC certification might be easy to understand, but many do not realise that there are additional benefits to attaining and holding our CWRVC certification alongside one of our other certifications. For example our Welding Fabricator Certification Scheme (WFCS)...
Written in accordance with ISO 3834 ‘Quality Requirements for Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials’, WFCS enables companies to demonstrate their compliance with the standard via third-party verification of their welding and fabricating capabilities.
As a Certification Body accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO/IEC 17065 (Conformity assessment – Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services), TWI CL customers can be assured that their certification is an efficient, yet credible and globally recognised, affirmation of your competence. Also, as the only UK Approved Nominated Body for Company Certification (ANBCC) for the European Welding Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) and the International Institute for Welding (IIW), TWI CL is uniquely positioned to provide ISO 3834 certification from both EWF and IIW – providing three certifications for the price of one!
For more information, and to apply for, WFCS head over to our dedicated webpage.
Due to the crossover in information required for an application for WFCS and CWRVC, the certification process can be completed concurrently by one assessor with minimal amount of additional time, as opposed to applying separately for each certification. This combination not only ensures a streamlined application process but also financial and time saving benefits for our clients. The consolidation of these processes could be continued throughout the certification cycle, with each assessment being conducted simultaneously, safeguarding your savings in the future.
You can be confident that you are in safe hands throughout your certification process. Our highly experienced and Certified EWF/IIW assessors ensure that your assessments are only ever conducted by individuals with the industrial experience, technical competence and knowledge needed to meet the exacting requirements of EWF, IIW, and ECWRV.
Contact us today, to get your certification process underway…