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Personnel Certification Scheme (PCS)

Certified European and International Welding Engineers/Technologists/Specialists

The European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) and International Institute of Welding (IIW) Welding Co-ordination diplomas are widely accepted by employers as high quality vocational education in welding engineering. They confirm a high level of knowledge and expertise that is recognised around the world, supporting the exacting quality requirements for welding coordination across a wide range of applications, materials and processes.

These unique qualifications will place you above much of the competition, giving customers and employers high confidence in your knowledge and understanding of welding.

The EWE/IIW Welding Coordination Diplomas are excellent educational programmes and gaining the qualification demonstrates your knowledge of welding at the Specialist, Technologist or Engineer level. However, knowledge is only one part of competence; currency, recency and continuing professional development are also required to demonstrate competence.

In light of this, TWI Certification Ltd (TWI Cert) is authorised by EWF and IIW to operate the Personnel Certification Scheme (PCS) to enable EWF/IIW diploma holders to demonstrate consolidation of their learning in practical application, post completion of the qualification.

PCS is open to holders of any level of the EWF/IIW Diploma (Specialist (IWS), Technologist (IWT) and Engineer (IWE), issued by TWI Certification Ltd or who are working in the UK and who hold a minimum of two years’ experience in the relevant field, and are able to demonstrate that they are keeping up to date with welding technology. The easiest way to meet the final requirement, maintaining and developing your knowledge base, is through membership of The Welding Institute.

EWF/IIW diploma holders who are assessed as responsible welding coordinators by TWI Cert under the WFCS/ISO 3834, CAESAS/EN 1090, or CWRVC/EN 15085 company certification schemes may gain access to the PCS through the employer application route as part of the assessment.

Applications for Certified EWF/IIW Diplomas are reviewed by TWI Cert’s Principal Verification Engineer and are ratified by the Membership, Education and Registration Committee (MERC) who oversee the Scheme.

Whether through the personal application or employer application route, successful applicants for PCS will receive both an EWF and an IIW Certificate for Certified European/International Welding Specialist (CE/IWS), Technologist (CE/IWT), or Engineer (CE/IWE).

How to Apply

PCS can be applied for as soon as you receive your EWF/IIW Welding Engineering Diploma and the initial application is free. To apply please complete the application form located in the link below and return to TWI Cert using the details provided in the application.

PCS-Initial-Application-v8_Apr 23 - 529kb

Renewing your certification

Renewals are every 3 years and cost £140.00 GBP.  To apply for your renewal please complete the application form located in the below link and return to TWI CL using the details provided in the application.

PCS-Renewal-Application-Form_v5_Jan 24 - 801kb

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